Make it easy
Newarch Studio is a platform that is transforming the experience of creating, maintaining and managing offices with technology, organizing the industry, creating standards and processes and driving transparency.

Newarch Studio offers a one stop shop solution to office owners. Whether you are in the MSME sector, a Startup Entrepreneur, a professional (CA, Doctor, Lawyer) or even a Corporate who is looking for a new office or renovation or purchasing furniture or materials, Newarch Studio is your partner of choice!
Newarch Studio is empowering the architects, designers, contractors and product and material providers with technology, content and processes to be able to deliver superior experience to office owners and creating business value for themselves.
Vision for New Arch Studios
Our website embodies New Arch Studios’ commitment to transforming workspaces into vibrant, healthy environments where passion and productivity thrive. We aim to create spaces that feel like home or a garden—places where people can enjoy their work without stress and stay energized throughout the day. Through innovative design and the integration of technology, we strive to offer solutions that not only meet the functional needs of businesses but also promote well-being, creativity, and happiness. Our vision is to be your go-to platform for building spaces that inspire, empower, and support those who truly need it.
At New Arch Studios, our mission is to transform the office interiors industry by uniting designers, architects, material suppliers, contractors, and execution partners through an advanced technology platform. We empower these professionals with innovative tools, seamless procurement solutions, financing options, and optimized processes, enabling them to deliver an exceptional and personalized experience to office owners. By creating a connected and efficient ecosystem, we aim to set new standards of creativity, quality, and transparency, shaping the future of office spaces and enhancing the way businesses work and thrive.
Value Proposition
New arch Studios as a platform disrupts the entire engagement lifecycle, delivering superior technology enabled experience to office owners as well as the architects / designers and contractors. It makes the entire lifecycle from design to procurement to site execution painless and seamless for customers and service providers both.
Values that Newarch Studio offers to
Architects, Designers,Contractors:
Steady and regular flow of demand high quality projects under the office banao platform helping services providers scale their business and deliver more projects with higher customer experience
Technology support to deliver the projects in a seamless process right from planning procurement design,execution monitoring and managing communications
Procurement support to procure high quality materials and products at the right prices and getting deliveries as per project schedule to deliver the project
Values that Newarch Studio
offers to Office Owners
Technology enabled experience to transform design process – crunching the timeline from 3-4 weeks to 2-3 days with real time visualization combining design choices and their cost and time implications to make the decision fast smooth and enjoyable
Cost effective selection of products and Materials aggregated procurement of materials and products enabling a superior design to material selection experience with technology.
Hassle Free Transparent and Cost Effective Delivery-with procurement,service delivery and execution managed in a seamless way through technology, orchestrating the entire process thru technology